深圳恒域达电子科技股份---位于中国最大的电子产品集散中心地-深圳市。下辖恒嘉利电子电器厂,和明兴LED光电部,是一家以设计、生产、经销各种电子、新奇特等热销电子产品为主的企业。与众多深圳同行企业和海内外贸易团体建立了长期稳定的供销关系。尤其是具有十分多样化方式合作方式(可根据客户的需求,快捷的为您量身定做OEM产品),赢得好评。我们长期经销以下电子产品、移动电源,太阳能,柔性太阳能片,软性太阳能片,OEM MP3、MP5、安防无线摄像、车载MP3、车载DVD、数码存储卡、太阳能充电发电、摄像头、智能电话,无线楼宇对讲,钓鱼水底监控摄像器, 品种齐全、价格合理。 本公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同,保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。QQ: 1418663480, QQ2: 1395397745OEM工厂 : 深圳市宝安区福永福园路天锐工业区A1栋。经 销1: 深圳宝安赛格电子市场2楼, 办公地址: 深圳宝安赛格电子市场4E40室, 本公司的经营方针是:立足深圳,面向全国和海外,供应质优价廉的OEM电子产品,欢迎有识之士加盟合作,愿与内外贸易公司,公司团体,个人合作,携手共创辉煌!你的创业梦想从这里开始,Building your tream! Starting your business Here! QQ:1418663480, Email:Debbie2010@139.comWe are professional electronics products manufacturer and we have specialized in computer peripheral devices. The factory is located in shenzhen china which covers an area of 1800m2 and is staffed with more than 200 excellent workers and technicians including 12 senior engineers. The plant is equipped with several SMT production lines, solder-reflow and ware-soldering equipment, and relevant mating maintenance lines. We now have a monthly production capacity of 50k. We are a high-tech corporation integrating R&D, manufacture and distribution. As one of the biggest manufactures of digital media products in China, our key products includes PC mouse,key board, GPS navigators, digital photo frames, USB flash drives and USB gadgets, memory cards, and MP3 and MP4 players, Sloar power system, fishing monitor, wireless VDP. We spare no effort to maintain quality control and shipment schedules and competitive prices. contacts: (24 hours available)DEBBIE LAUMobile :086-18819053861 |